In 1987 Mahmud Zahhar with Sheikh Ahmed Yassin founded the Hamas movement in Gaza. Soon the Hamas leaders found very strong support in the region.
According to some reports, even before establishing their movement some Hamas leaders had been in contact with Iran.
In Iran it is always said that the Iranian government has three important allies in the region, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Shia Muslims in Iraq and Hamas in Palestine.
The most important difference between Hamas and Fatah is that Fatah is a secular movement Actually Abu Mazen, its leader, is a member of the Baha’i religion. Which is illegal in the Islamic world. On the other hand Hamas is an extreme religious Islamic movement, based on establishing Sharia law, anti-west and pro-jihad.
In fact at the heart of what is happening in Gaza, is a clash between Islam and modern civilisation. Islam only accepts Sharia law and totalitarianism and denies rights to others.
The clash of Islam with secular, moderate and modern parts of society is seen in many places. Take for example the Islamic movement of Muslim brotherhood in Egypt. They just have not had a chance yet to show it by getting in to power. In fact all Islamic movements pre-election talk about democracy, freedom and modern values, but after they have been elected, democracy and freedom will be forgotten. The Iranian leader Khomeini who in Paris was saying “even the mullahs are not going to have power after the Shah” promised freedom for everyone, even communists, and said women’s rights would be assured. Just three days after getting to power Khomeini ordered the execution of former officials of the Shah without a trial.
Palestine on a small scale is an example of this conflict. Islamic ideology just wants to silence everyone else.
Very soon after Hamas was established, the Iranians started to invite Hamas leaders to Tehran for support in any way. They sent weapons through tunnels from Egypt and so on, helping them financially in the continuing suicide bombing against Israel.
Financial help was a very important part of Iranian help to Hamas, to build hospitals and schools and to help the poor. In other words they sought to make strong social connection with the roots of Palestinian society, to help. Secure elections and resources for jihad.
Iranian Islamic leaders many times condemned Fatah for accepting any peace agreement with Israel and always praised the suicide bombing of Hamas. It was interesting to see that any time Fatah was close to an agreement with Israel, a suicide bomber would blow up a bus or market and in this way Hamas blocked the peace process.
Now after Israel agreed to consider an Arab league proposal which came from Saudi Arabia, suddenly Gaza went in to civil war. Many believe that the Iranians are behind this as well.
The peace process in Palestine and having a two-state solution is a nightmare for leaders in Tehran who used Palestine propaganda for their own political agenda.
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