After the fall of Saddam Husain in 2003, Iran started to do what ever it could to show that the British and US will come out as losers, not winners, in the end.
With this aim in mind, they started to do all sorts of things. They recruited Arab Shia from Iraq who live in Iran and also used Arabs from nearby Ahwaz to the south east of Iraq. They also shared their experience of bomb making in southern Lebanon to the different Iraqi insurgent groups. According to reports Iran helped almost all sides, regardless of who they were - Shia or Sunni, ex-Iraqi security services or the Kurdish Islamic movement - the only thing all these groups had in common was that they were against the US and the British and that was enough to get support from Iran.
Now news has emerged in the last 2 months that Iran is sending the same deadly weapons and ideology into Afghanistan, a country that has just been freed from the Taliban and has had 30 years of internal war.
Both Iraqi and Afghan authorities have spoken many times about the involvement of the Iranian government in Iraq and Afghanistan, but they do not know why their neighbour, instead of helping them to stabilise their respective countries, just helps their opponents to destroy their newly-elected democratic governments.
The question is why are the Iranians doing this? Were not both the regimes of Saddam Husain and the Taliban their enemies? Is the rumour of the revival of the Persian Empire in this region correct? Why is Iran after thousands of years now exporting hate to their neighbours? When is Iran going to change its attitude towards its neighbours?
It seems that having a democratic country on both sides of Iran is a nightmare for the Iranian leaders who think they are the only right government in the world and that God has chosen them. They are fulfilling God’s promise.
It is so frightening for them that they are ready to take the risk of facing war even. Despite many warnings Iran continues to send weapons and personnel inside Iraq and Afghanistan.
Surely if a wise government was in power instead of the current Iranian government, with the development of a huge nuclear bomb project and a new world policy after 11 September and having regime changes in their two neighbouring countries, it would have a much wiser policy than sending arms to these two neighbours. But why is Iran doing this?
Surely if a wise government was in power instead of the current Iranian government, with the development of a huge nuclear bomb project and a new world policy after 11 September and having regime changes in their two neighbouring countries, it would have a much wiser policy than sending arms to these two neighbours. But why is Iran doing this?
The answer is the ideology of the Iranian government. They think even if they are removed they will be the victors. It is the philosophy of martyrdom. Glory in history.
Shia Islam is especially based on this kind of teaching. Imam Husain the third imam of Shia and grandson of Mohammad was killed in Karbala. He turned in to pieces according to Shia legend. There are many shrines for him, So many pieces of this man that every part there is shine for him. One place for his hand, one place for his leg and armour. He turned to pieces but according to Shia ideology he was the Victor. It is the philosophy of Pearl Harbour. We know now that the Japanese knew that if they attacked Pearl Harbour and made war with the US, in the end they would lose the war. But they still did it.